The ‘Fragile 5’ Taper Tantrum
The ‘Fragile 5’ Taper Tantrum Turmoil, panic, retreat: it’s not been a pretty start to the year for emerging market currencies and stock markets. Here, in a few charts, is the key to understanding the story of 2014 so far. The Fragile 5 and other emerging countries have fleeing hot money problems, deficit current accounts […]

An In Depth Look at the US Labor Markets
An In Depth Look at the US Labor Markets People love to talk about how statistics can be used to prove any point. I don’t entirely disagree with that claim, but it really depends on both the perspective – or time frame – and the source of the data set. My research typically involves trying […]

Eight (8) Popular Mistakes Traders Make That Blows Off Their Accounts In Minutes
Eight (8) Popular Mistakes Traders Make That Blows Off Their Accounts In Minutes “One of my worst moments in Forex as a beginner was when i placed a trade unknowingly during the news release, and i experienced a spike, which went very fast against my trade. My new live account got blown off in one […]

Globalists Unveil Socialist-backed New World Tax Regime
Globalists Unveil Socialist-backed New World Tax Regime Written by Alex Newman As various tax-funded international institutions explicitly outline plans to plunder humanity’s wealth to prop up governments drowning in odious debts, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) last week officially unveiled a new socialist-backed plot to create a global tax information-sharing regime to […]

Bank of England ‘knew about’ forex markets price fixing
Bank of England ‘knew about’ forex markets price fixing Notes from 2012 meeting reportedly show key Bank officials were told of rival currency dealers’ sharing of customer orders Jill Treanor The Guardian, Friday 7 February 2014 18.36 GMT The Financial Conduct Authority has been given the meeting notes which allegedly show that Bank officials did […]

5 Years Since Stimulus: ‘Maybe the Most Expensive Policy Mistake Ever’
5 Years Since Stimulus: ‘Maybe the Most Expensive Policy Mistake Ever’ by Fox News Insider // Feb 17 2014 // 12:14pm It’s been exactly five years since President Obama signed the economic stimulus package into law. Jenna Lee talked to economist and FNC contributor Steve Moore this morning about whether the country has gotten what […]

S&P Feb 20 / 2014: Long Term View Elliott Wave Count
IT IS TIME TO TAKE RISK-OFF SHORT TERM > Go Net Neutral (Possible further movement has too high a RISK to merit being LONG) SHORT TERM LOW: Looking for a Near Term retest of the recent 1850 on the S&P 500 (Small “M” External Strength) before falling towards 1700 and the S&P 200 DMA by […]